TBS Today, July 25
We're covering City Council on Tuesday night for what is likely to be a big vote on automated license plate readers for Berkeley police.
We're joined at the media table by the Daily Cal and look forward to an exciting night on Twitter and in the room.
Council is kicking off its meeting honoring the Berkeley Path Wanderers. If you don't know the group, be sure to check it out. A local treasure!
And if you don't have the Berkeley pathways map, we suggest remedying that promptly. The group is celebrating 25 years this year.
Four women founded the Path Wanderers and one of them, Jacque Ensign, spoke tonight. She survived a car crash after a driver struck her in a North Berkeley crosswalk in 2021. It was great to see her looking so healthy (with hiking poles in tow!).
Now onto today's news: We have an exclusive update on the human trafficking case we mentioned last week.

Lots of other things in the works, but we're settling in now for the meeting.
Make sure to check our Twitter feed tonight and our site tomorrow for the latest Berkeley public safety news.
And here's the background, in case you'd like to bone up before the vote.

In case you missed it