TBS Today, May 15
It was a busy weekend, with a shooting in Berkeley that wounded a man Sunday.
We're back in court this week on the Jasper Wu murder case.
Today we've heard from a witness to the shooting and a San Francisco gang expert. It should be the last prosecution witness.
We'll keep this short, as testimony is ongoing.
As a side note, you may recall our coverage last year of Tommy Giles: The Berkeley notary public was charged with eight felonies following a months-long investigation into a sex crime series with at least five victims, two of whom were children on their way to school in Albany, according to BPD.
Giles was sentenced Monday to 28 years in prison. Two of his victims were slated to read statements to the court about how the crimes affected them, and a former BPD sex crimes investigator planned to read a statement from a third victim.
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