TBS Today: Sept. 29
We have a lot to share with you today on the one-year anniversary of our launch.
That includes new details on the Overlook Road case as well as an update on the guns found at Berkeley High; the story behind why BPD declined to apply for the state retail theft grant; news on the Albany shooting; and a story about our anniversary.
Speaking of the Albany shooting, a candlelight vigil for Alonna Gallon is planned for Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Toyota service center in Albany where she worked.
And now, some housekeeping: We are heading for North Carolina on Monday to see how we fare in the LION news publisher awards. The Scanner is a finalist in the new business category, which reflects both editorial coverage and business sustainability.
Then we'll be taking a few days off to be with family and friends.
As a result, coverage is likely to be light next week. We'll be back in full force on Tuesday, Oct. 10.
And now, the news

In case you missed it