TBS Today, July 31

You may have caught The Berkeley Scanner tonight on NBC Bay Area where they invited us on to talk about local crime.

If you missed it, you can watch it here.

A closer look: Crime in the East Bay
NBC Bay Area’s Raj Mathai spoke to Emilie Raguso who runs The Berkeley Scanner, an independent news source in the East Bay focusing on crime and safety about crime prevention.

We hope to do more of this. It's always fun to collaborate with other news outlets and build those connections.

This morning we wrote about several fires in Berkeley over the weekend. Here's what we learned.

Berkeley fires displace 1 from home, damage businesses
“The overall concern is keeping companies in service,” BFD said, “because of the increase in temperatures and fire activity around the Bay area.”

We also had some tips and inquiries today about an apparent fire call on Oxford Street. Turns out it was just a drill!

But we may share some of the photos and video readers sent our way.

We spent much of the day in court, first for the arraignment of Butch Ford, who was recently charged with a misdemeanor by DA Pamela Price.

Ford came to court with three defense attorneys and had many supporters with him. The defense asked to put off Ford's plea until Sept. 15 and the judge agreed.

The original judge recused himself from the case so, for now, the matter is being heard by Judge James Cramer.

Ford now works at the SF DA's office but he worked for the Alameda County DA's office for more than 20 years, so many judges know him. As a result, one of the attorneys said there may be more judicial recusals in the case's future.

The prosecution and defense both declined to comment after today's brief hearing.

We didn't write about today's hearing but here's our last story if you're looking to get up to speed.

Price critic facing misdemeanor blasts DA for security breach
The DA’s office made Butch Ford’s address public, in violation of state law and the union contract, when it charged him with a misdemeanor this week.

Next we drove over to the other Oakland courthouse to watch a preliminary hearing in a recent sex crime case.

We'll have that report for you tomorrow and, as always, have even more stories in the works. Until then, stay tuned and stay safe!

In case you missed it

Critics, fans of DA Pamela Price clash at Oakland crime meeting
Thursday night’s public safety meeting with DA Pamela Price showed a divide in the community but also common ground.
Berkeley High mountain biker bikejacked in Tilden park
The student was riding near the Tilden golf course parking lot when a black Camry cut him off. Two people in masks ordered him off his bike.
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