The Scanner Today, Feb. 14

Tips and inquiries kept coming in today. We barely scratched the surface.

Our top story, just published: At least two Berkeley residents were targeted amid a spate of intentional attacks on cyclists by motorists in Berkeley, Emeryville and Oakland in recent days — prompting several Berkeley officials to speak out this week.

We also have exclusive reports about some recent laptop grabs as well as a robbery at Walgreens involving a group of youth, ages 12-18, who brandished a knife.

It definitely seems like too many of these crimes are involving younger and younger people, which is a disturbing trend on so many levels.

If you find our news useful, please take a moment and share this newsletter with a friend or relative (or two!). Your recommendations go a long way toward helping ensure the community stays informed.

For tomorrow: We heard about an alarming hot prowl burglary at a local home — the residents were asleep when it happened — as well as the violent robbery of a woman walking home Monday night. All that and much more is in the works.

For now, stay tuned and stay safe.

Today's news

Berkeley cyclists, officials condemn to ‘dooring’ attacks
“This was the first time anything like this has happened to me in nine years biking in Berkeley,” said Watson Ladd. “It was pretty shocking.”
Group of 7, ages 12-18, robs Berkeley Walgreens via knife
When a store clerk confronted the group, one of its members threatened the clerk with a knife, according to the Berkeley Police Department.
Berkeley police investigate 2 laptop grabs in the past week
Laptop grabs, also called snatch-and-grabs, were more common in years past, particularly near the student-heavy neighborhood near UC Berkeley.
Have questions about public safety in Berkeley? Alert The Berkeley Scanner.